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Euro-T as a bronze sponsor at the StripeCon conference

With promotional materials to a unified image and greater recognition

This year, we at Euro-T were happy to participate as a bronze sponsor at the StripeCon 2024 conference, which took place this September in Ljubljana, more precisely at the Ljubljana Castle. StripeCon, the flagship event of the European Silverstripe community, brings together developers, engineers, students, business leaders and marketing experts every year to share their knowledge, experience and innovation. The event is not only a professional meeting place, but also a place for building relationships that go beyond the borders of countries and areas. StripeCon 2024

As a bronze sponsor, we played a key role in creating a unified overall image of the event, which contributed to a professional and attractive presentation. With the help of our promotional materials - from penguins, lanyards, goodie bags, t-shirts and more - we made sure that the attendees recognized StripeCon as a professional, innovative and professionally executed event. 

So why is promotion at such events crucial?

Promotional materials at conferences like StripeCon aren't just extras—they're essential elements that:

  1. They build brand awareness 
    Well-designed promotional products make a lasting impression. When attendees receive quality and useful items such as t-shirts or lanyards, they use those items long after the event. In this way, the brand becomes part of their everyday life.​
  2. They promote professionalism and trust 
    The unified overall image of the event reflects attention to detail and care for the participants. Events with well-arranged promotion give the impression of organization and reliability, which increases trust in the organizers​.
  3. They increase the value of the event for the participants 
    Promotional materials such as goodie bags are not just souvenirs but added value. Attendees appreciate receiving quality products that are both useful and symbolic of their part of the event.​
  4. They support networking 
    Visual unity, as enabled by products such as lanyards and T-shirts, helps participants identify themselves as part of a community. This encourages easier connection and interaction.

StripeCon 2024 as an example of good practice

StripeCon 2024 Konferenca StripeCon 2024 je odličen primer, kako lahko dobro zasnovani promocijski materiali doprinesejo k celotni izkušnji dogodka. Udeleženci so nosili majice z logotipom konference, kar je omogočilo enotno prepoznavnost. Obeski za okoli vratu niso le držali akreditacij, temveč so služili kot estetski element, ki je prispeval k profesionalnemu vtisu. Goodie bagi so vsebovali uporabne in privlačne izdelke, ki so udeležencem ostali kot spomin na dogodek.

Our team at Euro-T is proud to have participated in the creation of these materials and contributed to the success of the conference. With this project, we proved how important promotion is at such events, not only for the organizers, but also for the participants, who get an even better experience of the event.

How can we help you too?

Pri Euro-T imamo bogate izkušnje s snovanjem in dobavo promocijskih materialov za različne dogodke. Od konferenc in sejmov do internih dogodkov podjetij – naši izdelki so prilagojeni vašim potrebam in zagotavljajo, da vaša blagovna znamka zasije v najboljši luči.

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